Clinical Psychology 9 (2016), 1, 36-36

Oral papers

Sex Education in Italy between Science and Ideology

R. Cacioppo - Associazione Rainbow - Psicologi per i diritti, Milano, Italy
E. Ragaglia - Associazione Rainbow - Psicologi per i diritti, Milano, Italy
E. Senna - Associazione Rainbow - Psicologi per i diritti, Milano, Italy

Fulltext (english, pages 36-36).pdf

Objective: The purpose of this paper is to present a reflection on sex education in schools of different stages and years in Italy, with specific attention to inclusive processes and practices in sexuality. In particular, we want to examine case histories of schoolchildren dealing with the inclusion of any individuals or minority groups (eg. LGBTI people or people with disabilities). Furthermore, we will try to reflect on attitudes and critical issues of the professional community of psychologists on the above matters, taking into account specific training needs and cultural frameworks. Design and Method: Qualitative research through case histories. Results: The analysis of the current state of sex education for younger age groups in Italy identifies how the matter has been at the center of a heated debate between secular assumptions and religious and moral positions for a long time, with strong connotations in terms of political and cultural roles and expectations linked to gender and sexual orientation. Upon request of the EU, Italy as well has committed to implement inclusive education policies, at least formally. However, in recent years government proposals to deconstruct gender stereotypes, to integrate sexual minorities, and to fight homophobic bullying and gender violence were hampered. Conclusions: The Italian case suggests a complex situation, in which the free and fluid self-expression of students in a respectful and non-discriminatory environment as preventive factor of homo/transphobic bullying and gender-based violence is still a goal to be achieved.

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