Clinical Psychology 9 (2016), 1, 44-44

Oral papers

Diagnosis and Non-Pharmacological Treatment for Female Orgasmic Disorder

M. Bartolo - Willingness Malta, Haz-zebbug, Malta

Fulltext (english, pages 44-44).pdf

Objective: This review highlights the most successful non-pharmacological therapies of female orgasmic disorders. Effectivity of different non-pharmacological therapies (sex therapy & communication therapy, bibliotherapy, contact vs. no - contact with therapist, group vs. individual therapy) in the treatment of female orgasmic disorder will be discussed. Design and Method: The inclusion criteria applied in the review included that the studies had to be systemic reviews or randomized controlled trials published from 2005 onwards, had to directly tackle orgasmic problems in females and be written in English language. The exclusion criteria applied were studies that were published before 2005; were not reviews or RCTs; did not tackle orgasmic problems in females, had an organic basis for the sexual problem and were not written in English language. The nine studies that were included were critically appraised using the CASP tools, the SIGN guidelines and the PEDro Scale. After thematic analysis was conducted, four major themes emerged, namely “Sex therapy and communication therapy”; “Bibliotherapy”; “Contact vs. No contact with therapist” and “Group vs. individual therapy”. Results: The result suggests that sex therapy and communication is the most prominent in the studies included. The recommendations suggested are the need for further studies with larger samples so as to get a more comprehensive view of using non-pharmacological therapies. Pereira et al. (2013) underline the fact that Masters and Johnson (1970); and Heiman and LoPiccolo (1988) practices are still the most commonly used. Conclusions: Sex therapy as well as communication skills are the most effective treatment when dealing with FOD.

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