Clinical Psychology 9 (2016), 1, 48-48

Oral papers

The Male Sexual Pain: Issues and Treatments

G. Del Noce - Promea Day Surgery, Turin, Italy
W. Duretto - Privat Practice, Turin, Italy
R. Bochicchio - Privat Practice, Turin, Italy
F. Ragni - San Luigi Hospital School of Medicine Division of Urology, Turin, Italy

Fulltext (english, pages 48-48).pdf

Objective: There are several kinds of male genital pain which can cause mental suffering. Usually, they emerge during ordinary urological or andrological examinations. These distresses, sine materia, can be divided into different groups. Design and Method: The first group, which is the most frequent one, mainly affects the testicles; usually, this kind of distress last all life and it is often associated with surgery and/or frequent examinations to the genitals during childhood. The second group encompasses cases of real penodinia: the patients express their discomfort especially uncovering the glan and, for this reason, this action is never done. This distress is not always referred to as pain, but more often as bothersome. Sexual intercourses are permitted. Often the patients undergo a circumcision that usually has a complicated postoperative course. The males of the third group correspond to the women suffering from vaginismus. The patients do not even tolerate the approach of the hand to the penis and they make the same actions and the same movements as the vaginismic women. The patients are unable to have sex. This phenomenon is rare. In a perspective of multi-disciplinary and integrated methodology, the patients were treated with traditional surgery and/or with administration of drugs and/or with sexual therapy according with the integrated Kaplan method and/or with techniques for the rehabilitation of the pelvic floor. Results: Some clinical cases will be presented and discussed. Conclusions: The Authors describe new categories of male genital pain, never defined before, similar to Vulvodynia or Vaginism in women.

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