Clinical Psychology 9 (2016), 1, 78-78

Oral papers

Benefits from Fruit/Vegetable Consumption on Erectile Dysfunction among Diabetic Albanian Men

K. Drasa - Central Polyclinic, Tirana, Albania
L. Bruka - Central Polyclinic, Tirana, Albania
E. Dani - Central Polyclinic, Tirana, Albania
V. Vasili - Central Polyclinic, Tirana, Albania

Fulltext (english, pages 78-78).pdf

Objective: The aim of our study was to establish the association between ED and the consumption of fruit/vegetables (F/V) among diabetic Albanian men. Design and Method: In the survey, the daily consumption of F/V was estimated on the basis of a series of questions: How often do you eat F/V per day? The responses were: “Less than 3 / 3 to 5/ more than 5 times (serving) per day”. The association between F/V consumption and ED was examined using logistic regression. Results: 475 diabetic men, average age of 60 years (range, 20-70). 205 cases(43.1%) were identified with ED. 89.1% having type 2 diabetes, 7.3% type 1 diabetes and 3.6% were unclassifiable. 82% were overweight or obese. Higher proportions of patients with ED reported poor/fair health, long durations of diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity, formerly smokers, divorced and not consuming enough F/V(<2serving). An inverse association was found between ED and F/V consumption. The rate of ED decreased by 13% with each increase of 1 serving consumption of F/V. Conclusions: ED is common among diabetic Albanian men. The occurrence of ED among diabetic men is fairly common. ED is inversely significantly associated with the consumption of F/V in the diabetic populations. Our findings suggest that adopting a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, reducing or controlling BMI and activities that help consume more F/V would reduce the risk of developing ED and would be beneficent for diabetic men with ED.

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