Clinical Psychology 9 (2016), 1, 90-90

Oral papers

The Effects of Porn & Sex Addiction on Partners

R. Argaman - Argaman Institue, Tel Aviv, Israel

Fulltext (english, pages 90-90).pdf

Objective: Various social perceptions related to porn, legitimate it and view it as victimless sexual activity. In contrast to this line of thinking, there is a growing data about the damages of porn & sex addiction, not only to the addict, but also to its partner, children and family, intimate & sexual relationship. Design and Method: Much attention focuses on the addict, but less on the spouse, the trauma they are facing, and the healing process, they need to go through. In the years, I work with sex addicts and their partners I met a lot of pain and suffering the partners bring, sometimes for many years, usually done in private with little social support. The aim of this presentation is to explore the ways sexual compulsive behavior impact the partner and the relationship, using different models and case studies. Results: Through the presentation, I will present recommendation for therapy and support to spouses. Conclusions: When working with people who suffer from porn / sex addiction, there must be a special consideration for the spouse, as an integral part of treatment.

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