Clinical Psychology 9 (2016), 1, 108-108

Oral papers

Age of First Pornography Consumption and Genital Satisfaction Among Irish Students

K. Dawson - National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
S. Nic Gabhainn - National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

Fulltext (english, pages 108-108).pdf

Objective: To examine the relationship between early exposure to pornography and genital-related satisfaction among young Irish adults. Design and Method: This study employed cross-sectional survey data from 2,162 University students, of whom 53% were male. Data were collected via an anonymous online questionnaire, which included items on pornography consumption and the Genital Self-Image Scales for females and males. Results: Pornography consumption was reported by 99.7% of males and 89.6% of females. The majority (51.3%) of the male respondents reported being exposed to pornography for the first time between the age of 10 and 13, while the majority of females (54.1%) report first exposure between 14 and 17. For males, exposure to pornography between the ages of 10 and 13 was significantly associated with lower levels of genital esteem, reduced genital appearance satisfaction and greater genital embarrassment, as compared to those first exposed at older ages. In contrast, males who reported first time exposure to pornography over the age of 18 were significantly more likely to report high levels of genital esteem. Among females age of first exposure to pornography was not significantly associated with any of the genital esteem, appearance or embarrassment measures. Conclusions: The results indicate that first exposure to pornography under the age of thirteen is associated with negative genital self-image, for young adult males. The importance of pornography literacy education for young males is thus highlighted.

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