Clinical Psychology 9 (2016), 1, 115-115

Oral papers

From Sextasy to Chemsex: a Leap in The Dark’s Sexual Pleasure

R. Noseda - Fiss (Italian Federation of Scientific Sexology), Como, Italy

Fulltext (english, pages 115-115).pdf

Objective: Drugs and sexual function are intimately linked, and drug history and sexual history are essential components of psychosocial assessment. Today many behaviours aim at exceeding the borders of own devalued reality to get acquainted with the mysterious dimension of a compulsive sexuality or of a sexual boredom. Whether in the use of ecstasy or in that of methamphetamine we find concepts apparently integrated but distinct with dependence and the addiction in a perspective of reciprocal relapse. Design and Method: This study provides a critical review of the scientific research about the impact on male and female sexual function of psychoactive substances use during sex. Results: The majority of studies about drug use and sexual behaviour seek to understand the link between drug taking and the risk of acquiring syphilis, HIV and HPV. We focused our attention on the number of studies that explore drug use during sex on a more holistic level and including the reasons for initiation and maintenance of particular sexual behaviours. Conclusions: Every analyzed behaviours not always might be, in a nosographic manner, classified as pathological but, rather, problematic. Since the developed analysis turn out that the recourse to binge-sex and to drug’s poliuse seems acquire the sociological phenomenon’s features that concern either omosexual or eterosexual men. The paper outlines the needs and parameters of future socio-sexological research, which as a primary focus aims the interaction and social relations of drug use and sexual activity.

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