Clinical Psychology 9 (2016), 1, 157-157

Poster display

Hospital Based Sexual Rehabilitation Programs for Persons with Disabilities (PWDS)

B. Lee - Korea National Rehabilitation Center, Seoul, South Korea
Y. Lee - Graduate School, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
J. Yu - Korea National Rehabilitation Center, Seoul, South Korea

Fulltext (english, pages 157-157).pdf

Objective: Sexual intimacy is a basic right given to all humans. However, many PWD give up on their sex life, and equally, medical professionals are not effectively prepared to deal with these issues. Design and Method: In 1996, we began a Sexual Rehabilitation Program for PWDs. We delivered about 28,000 cases of sexual counseling and education, and 1,700 cases of sex therapy for erectile dysfunction. 380 couples used the ‘sex practice room’ in our hospital. We have conducted 21 research studies, produced 3 books and 1 DVD about sexual rehabilitation. Annual seminars are being held and as well as three day workshops for couples. Results: We studied sexual function and satisfaction of 214 spinal cord injured males and 49 female partners. The significant factors affecting sexual satisfaction of the patients were erectile function and sexual satisfaction before injury. Based on the results, we developed several programs, such as the 4 week small counseling program and the ‘sex practice room’ program. 380 couples with SCI have used the sex practice room. Among them, 71 spinal cord injured males and partners participated. 41 couples had successful penilevaginal intercourse and 91.3% of them used the woman-on-top position. 90% of the users reported that the experience of using the ‘sex practice room’ was helpful. Conclusions: Since 1996, we have developed many sexual rehabilitation programs and conducted counseling, sex therapy and research. Now we can confidently conclude that the hospital based rehabilitation program is very useful and essential for persons with disabilities.

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