Original scientific paper
Study of self-generated blindness
Aksinja Kermauner
Pedagoški fakultet Sveučilišta u Primorskoj, Cankarjeva ulica 5, 6000 Koper, Slovenija
Fulltext (croatian, pages 31-39).pdf
The article describes a qualitative study of self-generated blindness and is based on a phenomenological method of research and introspection - research on personal experience. In the first experiment,
the nominal data the researcher obtained as a blind person were coded and categorized. The self-generated
blindness experiment is repeated according to the obtained categories and is performed according to phenomenological research procedures. The results show that the world of the blind is not just the truncated
world of those who see; it is viable, all-encompassing, full. It is true that it is structurally different because it
is based on the sense of touch, which is structurally completely different than sight. Research on personal
experience attempts, from a different perspective, to open up a new aspect of the doctrine of blindness in
the field of experiencing the blind. Increased attention, sensory sensitivity, and focus on the here and now
as blind people may also be associated with mindfulness.
phenomenology, mindfulness, first person inquiry, blindness.