Clinical Psychology 9 (2016), 2, 257-270

Original scientific paper

The Association between Quality of Life and Coping Strategies in Nurses

Mirna Arapović - Elementary School Ivo Andrić, Zagreb
Jasminka Despot Lučanin - Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, Zagreb

Fulltext (croatian, pages 257-270).pdf

The aims of this study were to examine quality of life, work-related stress and coping strategies among hospital nurses, and to identify the contribution of sociodemographic, work-related stress and coping strategies variables to the prediction of their quality of life in different domains. The study sample consisted of 133 nurses (88% women) from 20 to 63 years old, employed at the Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb. Instruments were: demographic characteristics and work-related stress questionnaire, Short version of COPE questionnaire, and World Health Organization Quality of Life – Brief Version questionnaire to test the quality of life in four domains: physical health, psychological health, social interaction and environment. Results showed good quality of life in all domains and high level of work-related stress. Participants most often used problem focused coping and rarely avoidance coping. A higher level of work-related stress and lower level of education were found to be significant predictors of poorer quality of life in physical and psychological health domains. Higher level of workrelated stress was a significant predictor of poorer quality of life in the environment domain. Frequent use of avoidance coping was a significant predictor of poorer quality of life in the social interaction domain. Results of this study can be useful for planning stress management interventions and education for nurses.

quality of life, nurses, work-related stress, coping strategies

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